The game has four additional chapters that examine the various characters and aspects of life in prison. It is an top-down 2D game in which players must construct structures and run a prison. When the prison is finished you can connect with the guards of the world and discuss your plans with them. The prison is an entire city that relies on itself, a secluded system where the wheels which need to be adjusted are so large that for each resident, each water pipe, is crucial. Prison Architect Pc Download Game isn’t a shooter with real-world realism, in any sense of the imagination, however it’s among the most realistic scale simulations that you’ll play. Then you can reform your prisoners and control them with a ferocious hand. You must manage the budget of your staff members, infrastructure, facilities and staff. The release date of the game came on the 6th of October the 6th of October, 2015. The game was available via Steam’s Early Access program. The game was a participant to the Independent Games Festival in 2012. With more than 2 million copies sold, the game has brought in more than $10.7 million through pre-ordering the beta versions for the game. The update schedule is altering every couple of weeks.

Available via pre-order on September 25, 2012. Prison Architect Free Download is a virtual game that focuses on creating and running an in-house prison. Prison Architect Download Free PC Game Full Version